Tuesday 2 February 2010

Magazine Cover

The programme that we used to create the magazine cover was Adobe Photoshop CS2.


From analysing magazine covers we started creating our mag cover. Our first task was to come up with a title of the magazine, we went with Take1. We then inserted the picture that we took before, centered it and like the poster played around with the brightness and contrast. We then added more detail, for example we added the title of the film and a quote.

After getting audience feedback from the audience on our first draft they said we needed a lot of improvement, first of all they said we definitely needed more magazine detail. We then decided to add a special deal where you get three free posters. We also moved the title of the film and quote up.

Final magazine cover

We again got audience feedback, this time they said the detail that we added was good but we needed more, especially ones that are typical conventions. From this we then added a barcode and information of whats actually inside the magazine. The audience also said that

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