Saturday 30 January 2010

Film Poster

From having our draft drawn out for our poster we then started to create it on our laptops. The programme that we used was Adobe Photoshop CS2.

Draft 1

This is the first poster that we created with no audience feedback, at first we liked it a lot as the photos taken from before worked really well. The editing that we did was to change the contrast and lightness of the whole image. To make Lewis's hand look more worn we also used the burn tool (which darkens areas) in specific spots to heighten the shock factor. We also wanted the title of the film to be hard to read to increase the mystery of the image. Our main influence for our poster was the babysitter poster we liked this one because we thought the image of the girl was a symbolic and eye catching image. To make our poster mysterious and to differentiate to the babysitter one we decided to darken the surroundings of Lucy.

Draft 2

After creating our first one we got audience feedback, the main thing that they said was that the image of Lucy wasn't scary and shocking enough. They said it "almost seems like she knew she was going to be taken" this isn't the effect that we wanted. So instead we used a different photo that we had taken before that we thought increased the scariness and shock factor. As well as this the audience also advised us to changed the title of the film and add a date. We made the title of the film easier to read and changed the placing of it slightly to center the whole poster. When adding the date we decided to make it just the year and again to center it, to make it different to the title we added a gradient to add some depth to it.

Draft3After making those edits we went back to the audience and got more feedback. This time they said the image was perfect and thought it was great. They still couldn't read the title of the film that well, so we went back and increased the opacity of it so it would stand out more, like the date we added a gradient. They also said that we needed more detail on it. This is when we added a lot of new aspects. For example we added a little light shining through the middle of the title, this is a typical convention of horror posters as it denotes that isn't much hope left. We also added another convention of film posters which is a tag line, ours says 'This time they wont let her go...' which we thought doesn't give a lot away about the film but still entices them.


We wanted more audience feeback from our third draft and this time they were impressed with it but still thought it was a bit bare and not clear enough. To make it easier to read we increased the brightness and contrast. To add more detail we added four of the actors names, two either side of Lucy to carry on with the central theme. We also added production detail at the bottom of the poster which nearly every film poster has.

Final Poster

We again got audience feedback and realised that one the school compuers you couldn't see any of the detail so we had to go back and increase the brightness huge amounts. We also increased the contrast to up the scary factor. Overall we are really pleased with our poster and have great feedback from it.

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