Friday 22 January 2010

Magazine Analysis

For the magazine cover what we need to consider is the layout, colour scheme, other stories and what picture we are going to put on.

For the layout we thought that we could make it as central as we can having the character in the centre of the page with the title of the film just below in the same font we have used in the poster and trailer.
We want to include some sort of promotion on the cover, as this is typical convention of all magazine covers, we have decided on inserting 3 free posters all of which promotes our own film. We also are going to include, information of other stories in the magazine such as reviews and interviews but also something a bit different like behing the scenes special of the latest Hollywood blockbuster.

We also need to come up with the name of the magazine, and what font, colour and size we are going to have it. We want to name of the magazine to be related to film, so its easy to understand what the magazine is about as it is the thing that will pop out the most when people are looking at magazines on the shelf in the shop. Below are a few ideas we have:

The Take
Film Preview
Review Mag
We will choose out of the above.

WE also need to consider what colours we are going to use, and after looking at other already existing magazines we have seen that there isn't many different colours and they all conicide with eachother. So havig lime green, with a dark maroon isn't going to work. We also want to make sure they cover has a sinister effect so it relates with our film.

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