Wednesday 20 January 2010

Taking the photos for the poster.

In order to start creating the final product of our poster we need photos of our main character Rosie played by mine and Hannah's friend Lucy Ballance. The three of us organised a date when we were all free to go round one of our houses and take the photos. We decided on Lucy's house as she had a good room that can be pitch black with no disturbances like street lights. We wanted to use a professional high resolution camera (an SLR), I knew a friend had one so I asked if we could borrow it, which we could. The day after me and Hannah went to Lucy's house and choice a spot to take the pictures. First of all we chose in front of her front door because the door is a heavy wooden door which would be a nice dark background. I would be the hand that covers her mouth so I went outside and got my hand dirty to give it the 'worn out' effect, we rubbed Lucy's mascara with water to give the effect that she had been crying and again to give the 'worn out' effect. We also messed up her hair as well to make it look like she had been bashed around and struggling. When we turned on the SLR we realised it had no battery and had no charger for it. We then thought that we would have to find a charger and waste time, however we chose to use a digital camera that Lucy had. To help us make the choice we took a few photos to see how professional the photo outcomes would look, we were happy with the outcome and choice to use Lucy's camera. Here are a few of our first photos we took:

We stopped taking photos for a while and looked at the ones we took already, we wasn't sure about taking them in front of the door and thought that it was generally too bright. To overcome these problems we went into another room and turn all the lights off and used a torch as lighting. This direction and outcome of photos we liked much so carried on using different directions of light and intensity. We also realised that Lucy's reaction/expression in front of the door wasn't terrified enough and shocked so we changed that as well. Here are our final photos for the poster:

Overall we are very happy with the photos and think that they will create a great poster and achieve the effects we want.

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